14 June 2011

Old, Chubby, Happy & Proud

Last week was my birthday. I don't know why I need to blog it, but yeah, I think its important to tell the world that I am old, chubby and proud. Hahahaha.
You know, I am super happy lately, not sure why, so yeah, I think I would like to share my happiness here in my blog, who knows you get infected in good way. ^^
Here's the picture of my b'day cupcake. A cake by Ms. Shinta Antolis of Olanos Cake. A super talented mom of two boys who can bake and create the coolest birthday cake in the world (Yup, that's true).

Yes, for those who think I'm 25 or not older than 27 (ada gitu??? ^^) you all wrong. 'Cos I just turn 35. And start from next year, it counts backward :D :D :D

This is Syd's bday card for me. Did I tell you before that we are so into angry birds? hmmm yup, I did... many times hehehe... She is pretty good in drawing and coloring. I believe she gets that from her Daddy, cos there's no way she gets that from me. hahaha. So glad to see what she did for me. Thanks big girl.

Anyway, let's get back to my birthday cupcakes. I asked Shinta to make 16 pcs cupcakes that represent my source of happiness.

This is my sweet little family. A dear hubby who always support me 101% *kiss-hubby*.... and two lovely gifts from Above whom I love with all my heart *eeh, jadi pengen buru2 pulang :p*

This is me, my frozen yogurt and my sewing machine. (Lupa kasih tau Shinta kalo mesih jahit yang saya pake adalah mesin jahit manual dari jaman penjajahan Belanda, warisan dari mami mertua, hahahaha.... Shinta dear kirain I pake yang canggih en warna putih nih. You kudu liat aslinya shin, item, dekil trus bunyinya teketeketekkkteeek rada mirip bajaj :D :D :D)

Next picture represent how gembul I am ^^ ... Shinta got it right "my diet will start tomorrow" haha yeah, I love to eat, I don't exercise (my excuse is I don't have time for that... too busy you know ... *uhuuk-cough* ^^) ... and I always wonder why I gain so much weigh *keluh* :D :D :D

Next picture is ....^_^.... you know what....

And these were the yellow and red angry birds made from sugar-icing after Syd eat their jambul and ekor ^^ ... really really pleased with these cup cakes *pelok-shinta-kuat-kuat*

Rasanya kalo gak post foto diri sendiri kog kurang sreg yah? tapi kalo moto-moto suka sebel kalo liat pipi yang super tembem ini. Heran deh :p Well, ini dia foto narsis diri sendiri after di crop bagian-bagian yang meng-expose kegendutan hahaha hampir terpotong semuanya. Sekedar info, baru nyadar setelah dibaca Syd kenceng2, tulisan di kaos saya ternyata "Burger, Fries, Soda, Doughnut and Ice Cream Make Me Happy" duuuh, kaos ini kog buka-buka rahasia segala sih??? :D

Last picture adalah birthday goody bag dengan tema angry birds, bukan berarti saya bagi2 goody bag ke tetangga yah RAKAKAKA, tapi karena emang mau introduce birthday goody terbaru dengan tema angry birds yang udah dijanjikan dari minggu lalu (sorry banget baru sempat post fotonya skarang. Maksa banget pula masukin di post ini ehehehe).

Lastly, I thank God for my family, and for all the blessings and abundance in my life. Thank you, God for everything …The big things and the small, for every good gift comes from You God, and from You only. The Giver for them all. AMEN.


  1. ini bday goody bag angry birds-nya towel dgn 5 angry birds kecil2? kurang jelas soalnya, hehe.. btw, happy belated bday ya!!

  2. lulu dear, iya face towel (75*35 cm) bordir nama anak yg ultah dan ada tambahan boneka2 mini 5 pcs yah. buat kepentingan cakep2an, bonekanya dijahit ke handuk, tp nantinya bisa digunting benangnya kl mw dimaenin, gak merusak handuk, dan gak merusak boneka pula ^^. TQ
