27 July 2011

Cute Animal Head Amigurumi

It's been awhile since I post my last blog about new amigurumi. Veewwiii soowwiii, Moms.

Anyway, for those ami collectors out there, please welcome our latest cute-animal-head-ami *plok-plok-plok*

They are Ms. Bunny and Ms. Pinky Pig ... and bellow picture are Mr. Bulldog and Mr. Hamster

Hehehe I uploaded the pictures of these cuties on Facebook yesterday, and as usual its only left couple of them with me now. So, better hurry moms :)
Smooch and thanks to all.


  1. wahh.. amiguruminya lucu bgt :) aku follow ya mbak, follow back aku ya.. hehehhe thx :)


  2. hai novy and desa boneka, tengkyuuuu ^^ smooch
