07 December 2009

They are going to Singapore

These bear cushions and denim bags are going to have a good holiday at Singapore. They will go to their new owner by Dec 9th... >_< ... I am so sad, but well, not because I'm gonna miss them, but because I'm not going anywhere this year. buuhuuuuu..... Anyway, these cushions and bags were ordered for Christmas presents, aah it cheers me up a bit cos now I feel like Mrs. Santa hohoho (ups sorry, Santa didn't take any payment... I did...*blushing*)

1 comment:

  1. A message from Mrs. B (this testimonial was taken from Mrs. Gracia's web) : "Hi, I gave the cushions to my kids just now. They llloooovveee them. They refuse to let the bag go for fear of making the cushions dirty. It looks so weird to see them sleeping with the bags. The cushions also made my day yesterday because the kids slept early and I was free." ~B.
