06 July 2010

Peter's 3rd Birthday

I actually don't really know this-Pororo-character since my girls are no longer watch baby TV. Sydney my 5 y.o tomboy girl who are the one who controled the remote-tv at home is more into Ben-10, Tom & Jerry, Avatar: the legend of Aang, etc. She doesn't like Baby TV's channel that showed Barney, Dibo the gift dragon, Pocoyo or Pororo anymore. Its so boring watching them mom, that what she said :P

When Mrs. Ingge Oey (Peter's mom) came to my workshop asking for Pororo, I said let me googled first. This what I copied-and-pasted from Wikipedia: "Pororo is the little blue penguin who wears big round aviator goggles and a tan-colored aviator cap". hehe. Anyhow, she asked two different characters, Pororo itself for the boy guests, and Petty (Pororo's girl friend) for the girl guests.
Pororo is a character made and produced by Korea animation firm, and it was airing from 2003. So I found only limited web, pictures and news about it compare to any Disney characters. ^_^
Anyway, I chose two pictures, made pattern out if it, found colors to match the real character (except for Pororo's aviator cap 'cos Ms. Ingge prefer yellow than light brown) and embroidered them into our denim fabric. I am so happy that Ms. Inge loves them too, and she said her boy also very excited about his goodies. Aaahh happy happy happy....

PS: those pictures shown here are Pororo & Petty the making. Kinda bored to show the picture of finished goods all the time hehehe, so this time I'll show you the goodies in progress ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Message from Peter's mom on pilo-pilo wall on Facebook:
    Laura Ingge: cie, thanks for peter's goodies.. his friends really surprised n like it so much..
