I feel a lil bit blue these past couple of days, but hey life must go on, and I have couple of new stories and many photos that I haven't post yet, so here we go.
These are goodies order by dear Linda for her baby girl Gillian's 1st B'day. Last year I made B'day goody for Gillian's big bro "Denzel" and big sis "Gwyneth". Today is for Gillian herself ^^
Linda's first request was 100 pcs of our towel, then she added additional 25 pcs and 7 days before delivery date she added additional 55 pcs. I almost fainted hehe. We rushed as usual, worked over time for the past 5 days, but 1 day before delivery it still 65 pcs short. Yet, before I called her to say I can't finish her 80 pcs additional order, she contacted me first and said that Gillian's B'day is rescheduled for another week. Phew. Now, all 180 pcs were finished and sent to Linda last Saturday using her regular air courier service, and by Monday 2 days ago, all goodies were delivered to her house in Medan, North Sumatra.
Here are some of the pics of our workshop routine while preparing Gillian's birthday goody. ^^
Photo 1: As always, Linda asked new motives for her kids. For Gillian's goody she asked lollipop or candy or cupcake theme. We made 1 cupcake in the middle, and 2 lollipops around it. This is the preliminary work. hehehe baru nyadar keliatan kayak panda :p

Photo 2: These are some of the finished towels. As per Linda request, each of it is packed in a gift box.

Photo 3: This is my messy table, with some of the gift-boxes ready to be packed to other big box. Ckckck how messy ckckckck

Photo 4: 14 big boxes are waiting to be delivered ... hmmm only 13 in the picture, where's the other one?
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